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Rotating in style... Your tax dollars at work! I'm not sure how many of these are actually military brats; from what I'm learning recently, the SS America seems to have been the CIA's preferred "troop ship" for Europe. For the record, we are: (seated) Gary Younger, Frank da Cruz (me), Bonni Ryan, Dave Kalassay, Scott Marshall, Lee Bryson, Carmen Link, Chris Kingsley, Ronnie Younger. The two standing at center are Sherry Turner and Dickie Brewer (from the Teen Club rock band). None of them are from Frankfurt except me and Dickie (and oddly enough I can't find a trace of Dickie in either the yearbook or the student directory; did he go to the International School?).
We all got to know each other pretty fast and commiserated about the end of our underage drinking days, but we could drink all we wanted on the ship... for free! Sherry, Bonni, and I got together a few times after we landed; one day we toured Washington DC; Lincoln and Jefferson memorials, etc. We went in the Capitol and harrassed some politicians. I also took them to the Army Pathological Institute to gross them out, only to learn that they had cleared out all the gruesome exhibits since my last visit.
We must have eaten somewhere... Eddie Leonard's Sandwich Shop? Little Tavern? (DC nostalgia)