Kermit Bibliography
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UTF-8, properly announced.
- Jesty, P.H., Networking with Microcomputers, Blackwell Scientific
Publications (1985). Basic Kermit protocol summarized on pp.70-75.
- Campbell, Joe,
C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications,
Howard W Sams & Co, Indianapolis IN (1987),
ISBN 0-672-22584-0. Includes a section on Kermit protocol, with
illustrations, block diagrams, etc.
- da Cruz, Frank, and Bill Catchings,
"Kermit: A File Transfer Protocol for Universities",
BYTE Magazine, Volume 9, Numbers 6 and 7, June and July 1984.
The first published Kermit article, written in 1983, publication
delayed for a year while BYTE waited for an appropriate theme issue.
BYTE also changed the original title, "The Kermit File Transfer Protocol",
to fit its Computing in Academia theme. Of course BYTE's title is
completely misleading and inappropriate.
- da Cruz, Frank,
Kermit, A File Transfer Protocol,
Digital Press, Bedford MA (1987),
ISBN 0-932376-88-6. Foreword by Donald Knuth.
The first Kermit book. Contains the Kermit Protocol definition.
It remained in print
from 1986 until 2001. That must be some kind of record for a computer
book. Here too, the title was to have been "The Kermit File Transfer
Protocol", but the cover designer changed it for layout reasons. A Russian
edition was in preparation by the USSR Akademia Nauk prior to the
dissolution of the Soviet Union.
- da Cruz, Frank, and Christine M. Gianone,
Using C-Kermit,
Digital Press, Burlington MA (1993),
ISBN 0-55558-108-0. C-Kermit 5A.
- da Cruz, Frank, and Christine M. Gianone,
Using C-Kermit, Second Edition,
Digital Press / Butterworth Heinemann, Newton MA (1997),
ISBN 0-55558-164-1. C-Kermit 6.0.
- da Cruz, Frank, and Christine M. Gianone,
C-Kermit: Einführung und Referenz,
Verlag Heinz Heise, Hannover (1994),
ISBN 3-88229-023-4. Hardcover. German translation by Gisbert W. Selke.
- 藤井啓文, 湯浅富久子, MS-Kermit入門,
Computer Todayライブラリ-6, サイエンス
社, 日本
(Fujii, Hirofumi, and Fukuko Yuasa, MS-Kermit Primer,
Computer Today 6, Saiensu-Sha Co., Ltd.), Tokyo (1993)
ISBN 4-7819-0669-9 C3355 P1854E. (COVER)
Explains Kermit to the Japanese audience, focussing on the
MS-DOS Kermit version for the NEC PC-9801.
- Gianone, Christine M.,
Using MS-DOS Kermit,
Digital Press, Bedford MA (1990),
ISBN 1-55558-048-3. The first published Kermit software manual.
Corresponds to MS-DOS Kermit 3.00.
- Remote Access User's Guide: HP 9000 Computers, Hewlett Packard
(1992). Part I, pp.2-2—2-59: Kermit.
- Persson, Johan,
Z-modem och Kermit — en jämförelse
ABC-Bladet No.4 (1996). Independent benchmark of Kermit and Zmodem file
transfer (they come out almost exactly the same).
- Gianone, Christine M.,
Using MS-DOS Kermit, Second Edition,
Digital Press, Burlington MA (1992),
ISBN 1-55558-082-3. MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 and later.
- Gianone, Christine M.,
MS-DOS-Kermit, das universelle Kommunikationsprogramm,
Verlag Heinz Heise, Hannover (1992),
ISBN 3-88229-006-4. Hardcover. German translation by Gisbert W. Selke.
- Gianone, Christine M.,
MS-DOS-Kermit, Mode d'Emploi,
Heinz Schiefer & Cie., Versailles (1993),
ISBN 2-901143-20-2. French translation by Jean Dutertre.
- Gianone, Christine M., and Frank da Cruz,
Kermit 95,
Manning Publications, Greenwich CT (1996).
The original Kermit 95 manual in printed form. Subsequent editions
issued electronically.
- Gofton, Peter W.
Mastering Serial Communications,
SYBEX, Berkeley CA (1986),
ISBN 0-89588-180-2. Includes a chapter on Kermit protocol.
- Huggins, James,
"Kermit Protocol - Formal Specification and Verification",
in Egon Börger, Ed., Specification and
Validation Methods, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1995).
In this paper, the Kermit protocol is formally specified and proven
- Kelly-Bootle, Stan,
680x0 Programming By Example,
Howard W Sams & Co, Indianapolis IN (1988),
ISBN 0-672-22544-1.
Uses the Alpha Micro version of Kermit to illustrate
Motorola 68000 assembly-language programming.
- Kientzle, Tim,
The Working Programmer's Guide to Serial Protocols,
Coriolis Group Books, Scottsdale AZ (1995),
ISBN 1-883577-20-9. Compares Kermit with other protocols such as
Zmodem, and includes original source code for each protocol.
- McNamara, John,
Technical Aspects of Data Communication, Third Edition,
Digital Press, Bedford MA (1988),
ISBN 1-55558-007-6.
The data communications "bible". Discusses Kermit as an example of a
byte-count oriented protocol.
- Quarterman, John,
The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems Worldwide,
Digital Press, Bedford MA (1990),
ISBN 1-55558-033-5. Forewords by Tracey L. LaQuey, Vinton G. Cerf, and
Frank da Cruz. Illustrates the role of Kermit in the worldwide
"matrix" of interconnected computers circa 1990, before the Internet and the
Web became ubiquitous.
- Stoll, Clifford:
The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer
Doubleday, New York (1989),
ISBN 0-385-24946-2. How German spies used Kermit to break into
US computers and networks for the KGB.
Выпуск 47,
(Application Program Package for Data Teleprocessing on Microcomputers,
MicroDOS Library, Issue 47,
USSR International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information
Moscow) (1987). (COVER)
Kermit software and protocol in the Soviet Union.
Берция 2.2 (янбарь 1989):
Руководцтво по эксплыатации.
File Transfer Program Courier-3/KAMA, Version 2.2 (January 1989), Operation
manual. Prior to the International Kermit Conference in Moscow in May 1989,
the Russians didn't believe they could use the name Kermit, so they called
the protocol Courier. This is the user manual for the version of Kermit on
the Soviet version of the IBM System/370, ЕС БЭСМ.
(view as PDF.)
Some articles accessible on the Internet
- da Cruz, Frank,
Interchange of Non-English Computer Text (1994).
- Johnson, Mark B.,
Realization of Kermit's Microcomputer Potential, Proceedings ACM
SIGUCCS, Montreal, 1986.
- Herrin, Golden E.,
Protocol in Manufacturing", Modern Machine Shop, Nov.1989.
- Kermit News, 1986-1995.
Magazine and Newspaper Articles
Not including hundreds of Kermit software release announcements that
appeared in the trade press from the early 1980s until about 1995 (when the
trade press largely ceased to exist).
- Tzoar, Daphne,
Kermit - The File Transfer Protocol Used at Columbia
SHARE 61 Proceedings (21-26 Aug 1983).
- da Cruz, Frank,
Kermit for File Transfer
(Spring 1984), pp.5-6.
- da Cruz, Frank,
The Kermit File Transfer Protocol, History and
, Large Systems News, Digital Equipment Corporation, Vol.7,
No.1 (Sep/Oct 1984).
- Hansen, Augie,
, PC Tech Journal (Jan 1985),
Kermit mit K wie konkurrenzlos
, Micro User Systems, Jahrgang 2
(May 1985).
- Nelson, Brian,
Kermit Protocol and the PDP-11
, DEC Professional
(June 1986).
- Gianone, Christine M., Kermit File Transfer Protocol, EDU
Magazine, Digital Equipment Corporation, No.44 (Spring 1987), pp.35-37.
- Kullmar, Bo,
, PC-Kermit, ABC-Bladet (No. 2, 1988)
- Kullmar, Bo,
Kermit v 3.0
, PC-Kermit, ABC-Bladet (No. 1, 1990)
- Gornostaev, Jufi, and Konstantin Vinogradov,
Kermit Wanders Around
Eastern Europe
, Moscow Computer Nuewletter Vol.1 No.1 (December
1990), pp.2-3.
- Rasmussen, Bob,
Who is Kermit and why is he in my computer?
NCR Monthly (March 1990)
- Marcolanie,
Kermit Toujours Juene
, Decision (19 Feb 1990)
- Northrop, John,
Kermit as a Connectivity Option
, Digital
News (26 Nov 1990).
- Gianone, Christine M., “Supplementing Your Network with Kermit
Communications Software” International Journal of Network
Management, Vol.1 No.2 (December 1991), pp.74-81.
- da Cruz, Frank, “Circumnavigating the Web with MS-DOS Kermit”,
On The Internet, Internet Society, Vol.1 No.2 (May/June 1995),
- Kientzle, Tim,
Improving Kermit Performance
, Dr. Dobb's
Journal (Feb 1996), pp.28-38.
- Winston, Alan, “When You Say ‘Jump,’
Kermit Asks, ‘How High?’”,
Micro Times, Issue No.222 (June 18, 2001).
- Gilsinan, Kathy,
Kermit Hops on Space Station, Leaps to Bosnia
Columbia Daily Spectator (25 Nov 2003).
- Larkin, Michael,
International Space Station Incorporates Columbia's
Kermit Program
, Columbia University Record (12 Nov 2003).
- da Cruz, Frank,
Safe Network Computing: Windows Desktop
Computing News, University of Oregon (Winter 2003).
Kermit Manual Translations
- da Cruz, Frank,
Kermit: Un Protocole de Transfert de Fichiers entre Deux
Ordinateurs par Telecommunication Asynchrone
, Bulletin Technique
No.86/05-6, CiSi Tálámatique (June 1985), translated
from the English by Gerard Gaye.
- da Cruz, Frank, Manual do Protocolo Kermit,
tradução de
J. Ricardo B. Ghirlanda, Telecomunicações Brasileiras S.A. -
TELEBRAS, Brasília (1986).
- Kermit-Ohjelmiston Käsikirjat, Kermit User Guide and
Protocol Manual in Finnish, Tekniska Högskolan Helsingfors
Räkencentralen, Espoo, Finland (early 1980s).
- Kermit User Guide in "Bangalini" (1985). Apparently a prank
("Bangalini, as you know, reads from left to right, but the binding is on
the right").
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Kermit Bibliography / Columbia University / / 2002-2011.