Uterine Tube (Fallopian Tube Or Oviduct)

#68 Uterine Tube, Human, H&E

    Open with WebViewer #68 Uterine Tube, Human, H&E

Some slides have two sections taken from the middle of the menstrual cycle and 2.5 months pregnant. Note the highly convoluted surface of the mucosa; these folds decrease progressively from the ovarian (infundibular) end of the tube to the uterine (isthmus) portion.

Determine roughly whether your section passes through the infundibulum, ampulla or isthmus of the tube. The muscularis becomes progressively thicker toward the uterine end of the tube. Ciliary beating is the mechanism of movement of the ovum toward the uterus. Identify both ciliated and secretory epithelial cells on the mucosal surface. The uterine tubes are a common site of occlusion after gonorrhea, thus producing sterility.

In which portion of the uterine tube does fertilization occur?

What is the significance of the dark, acidophilic line at the base of the cilia on the epithelial cells?
