SBPMD Histology Laboratory ManualConnective Tissue: Dense, Irregularly ArrangedIn this connective tissue collagenous fibers predominate. #4 Skin, H&EOpen with WebViewerUnder the stratified squamous epithelium examined earlier is the dense irregular connective tissue of the dermis. Its thick collagenous bundles stain intensely with eosin and can be seen to course in various directions. #70 Mammary Gland, Human, Inactive (H &E)Open with WebViewerFind the purple staining glandular region with the scanning objective. Immediately surrounding these cells is a very small zone of pale-staining loose areolar connective tissue. Outside of this, there is a large zone of acidophilic dense irregularly arranged connective tissue. Clumps of white adipose tissue are scattered throughout the stroma of the mammary gland. |