Epithelium: Simple Cuboidal Epithelia

#50 Kidney, guinea pig, H&E

    Open with WebViewer #50 Kidney, guinea pig, H&E

Examine the cuboidal epithelium that makes up the kidney tubules. Note that in some cases the lateral borders of cells are distinct while in many they are not. Why is this so? See the configuration of lateral membranes in electron micrograph of kidney tubule.


#107 Pancreas, guinea pig, acid fuchsin, toluidine blue

    Open with WebViewer #107 Pancreas, guinea pig, acid fuchsin, toluidine blue

Examine the epithelial cells. Note the basophilic structures that at the base of the cells are rough endoplasmic reticulum. At the apex of the cell, secretory granules appear as acidophilic structures. The contents of these granules are proteins, which are the precursors of digestive enzymes. Review the subcellular structures involved in protein synthesis.
