SBPMD Histology Laboratory ManualHistology Techniques - FixationThis process has two phases:
It has not been possible to find an ideal fixative that FormalinThis is a good general fixative. Its effect is to cross-link membrane proteins by forming covalent bonds. It is made by dilution of commercial formaldehyde (which is a 40% solution of formaldehyde gas in water) in an aqueous phosphate buffer. The usual strength is 10% (or 4% of the gas). It penetrates rapidly, causes little distortion, does not destroy any of the cellular constituents and can be followed by almost all staining methods. It hardens the tissues very slowly, however, and does not protect them from the shrinking agents employed in embedding and sectioning. For this reason it is often combined with other fixing agents. OsmiumOsmium tetroxide (OsO4) preserves the cell in a form closer to the living than any other fixative. Its great disadvantage is that it penetrates poorly and cannot be followed by many stains. It is also used as a stain because it blackens fat and various lipid-containing materials such as the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers, and makes them insoluble both in water and in fat solvents. Osmium tetroxide solution, in various buffers, is a standard fixative for electron microscopy. |