Left: The NeXT workstation, 1991, "slab" model (as in the film 2001 Space Odyssey; there was also a "cube" model). Barely visible in the right-hand image is the Columbia signon graphic. The NeXT was one of the early attempts (but by no means the first) to put a friendly GUI face on UNIX to make it more accessible to the masses (or, conversely, to put a real operating system behind a GUI rather than the disaster that was Windows). The company was founded by Steve Jobs during his absence from Apple; this workstation was to be the "next" hot item after the Macintosh: a Macintosh-like system that emobodied concepts such as memory protection, multiprocessing, multiple users, and security that were absent from the pre-OSX Mac. It was marketed heavily to universities, who snapped it up in vast quantities, but not vast enough to keep the company afloat. As I recall, we bought hundreds of NeXTs and put them everywhere. If you walked into one of the public NeXT areas you could log in to any one of them as if you were logging into the central Cunix system, and have access to all your own files.
Although the NeXT was not particularly fast, it had a lightning-fast PostScript[5] interpreter because its display was, in fact, Display PostScript (not X). This made the NeXT the ultimate PostScript previewer.
Initially NeXTs were monochrome, but color models soon followed. Unfortunately, NeXTs were not built to last; the disks and monitors began to give out after several years; as far as I know, none survive at Columbia.
Columbia University Computing History | Frank da Cruz / fdc@columbia.edu | This page created: January 2001 | Last update: 30 March 2021 |