Construction: Monitor + detached keyboard Display: 24x80 with two-page memory Character matrix: 7x9 with descenders (within a 9x15 cell) Screen size: 6x8 inches Character set: Complete US ASCII (128 codes) plus display controls Keys: 68 keys in ANSI X4.14-1971 typewriter layout Auxilliary keypad: Calculator-style numeric keypad; 8 function keys Visual indicators: On-screen dynamic key labels. Interface: RS-232/V.24 Flow control: Enq/Ack, Transmit, Xon/Xoff Communication Speeds: 75,110,150,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600 bps Setup: Soft (keyboard driven screen menus) Printer: Optional built-in thermal printer (HP2621P) Dimensions: ? Minimum table depth: ? Weight: ?
Columbia University Computing History | Frank da Cruz / | This page created: January 2001 | Last update: 4 April 2021 |