The Columbia Computer Center used to publish annual Project Abstracts, in which every single research, instruction, and administrative project carried out on the IBM 360/91 was listed, as well as publications resulting from these projects. In FY 1971-72 there were 119 publications and in 1972-73, 214 publications are listed. Each abstract is about 250 pages long; the first one was generated by a SNOBOL program and printed on the 1403 printer; the second one was typeset somehow using programs written by Computer Center technical staff. I would call this the Golden Age of the Computer Center, reflecting an unparalleled degree of collaboration between the faculty and the Computer Center and the accomplishment of much work that might well have had an impact on the real world — medicine, social research, physical sciences, engineering, every field was represented. Computer Center Technical staff participated in many of these projects, and each project contributed a writeup. The projects themselves are fascinating, about 100 pages of project description in each volume, about 5 projects per page.
CLICK HERE to read the front matter from the 1971-72 abstract (searchable PDF, imperfectly OCR'd, sorry).
Columbia University Computing History | Frank da Cruz / | This page created: January 2001 | Last update: 7 April 2021 |